2022 Flagstaff Star Party and Celebration of the Night

Flagstaff Celebrates it’s Star-Filled Night Skies

The 2022 Flagstaff Star Party and Celebration of the Night will bring six weeks of exciting and awe-inspiring events showcasing Flagstaff’s beautiful night skies!

For 2022 we have another exciting program planned, including the premier of a new event Flagstaff Dark Skies: an Evening of Awareness, Appreciation and Awe at Arizona Nordic Center, and the return of the Flagstaff Star Party and Celebration of the Night in September and October 2022!

See our 2022 Sponsors

Protection of the night sky began in Flagstaff in 1958 – and Flagstaff continues to set the standard for effective night sky protection. A High Country News story by Peter Friederici – Stargazers defend darkness in Arizona – and David Portree’s award-winning story Flagstaff’s Battle for Dark Skies describe our special history and role in what is now an international dark-sky movement. This article is just one recent example showing what success looks like.

2022 Flagstaff Star Party and Celebration of the Night Events

(Events subject to change or cancellation – Outdoor events weather permitting)

Night Skies through Artists' EyesWhen: Throughout September and October
Where: Downtown Flagstaff
Be sure to visit the NightVisions Satellite exhibits at participating shops in Flagstaff

Arizona Handmade - 13 N San Francisco St Flagstaff - Every day 10-5
The Artists Gallery - 17 N San Francisco St Flagstaff - Mon-Sat 10-6 Sun 11-4
Phoenix Avenue Gallery - 2 S Beaver Street #125, Flagstaff, AZ (on the Phoenix ave side) - First Fridays/Art Walk and weekends noon to 4 PM and by appointment

LIVE telescope viewing with Lowell Observatory
When: 20 Sept 8:00 - 9:00 PM
live (weather permitting)
Where: LIVE Online



Night's Window to the Universe
Spend an hour remotely observing the night with experts guiding you through beautiful and awe-inspiring views of the wonders of Flagstaff's beautiful night skies, including constellations, sparkling stars, nebulae, clusters and galaxies, as well as scientific and cultural insights inspired by the stars. Hosted by astronomer and musician Dr. David Koerner and researcher and asteroid-discover Brian Skiff, in collaboration with Flagstaff Star Party partner Lowell Observatory, using their cutting-edge telescopes at the Giovale Open Deck Observatory just above downtown Flagstaff.

Thurs Sept 22 thru Sat Sept 24
THURSDAY September 22
Exploring the Universe in DaylightWhen: 22 Sept 3:00 - 5:00pm
Where: Buffalo Park
New this year is the Flagstaff Star Party Field Day, a free interactive afternoon for all ages with solar viewing, planetary exploration, telescope making for kids, a hands-on migratory bird display and walking tours to see GROVER (the Geologic Rover moon buggy prototype built by a USGS team in Flagstaff).

Telescope Workshop

Do you have a telescope at home collecting dust and it never seems to make it out of the closet? If your telescope fits this description and you have been struggling with learning how to use it then dust it off and bring it to this workshop!

Veteran astronomers From the Coconino Astronomical Society will coach you through setting it up, how to align it and find astronomical objects, what eyepieces work best for what objects, and all the rest, to demystify your telescope and help open the beauty of our dark skies to you and your family.
Sunset Shadows and Circles
When: 22 Sept 6:00pm
Where: Buffalo Park
Have you ever watched the sunset in the east? Join Lowell Observatory's Brian Skiff as he takes you on insightful tour of the subtle transition from sunset into twilight at Flagstaff's Buffalo Park, including the Earth-shadow and Belt of Venus in the east, as well as layered pastel colors over the Sun in the west. Join lifelong sky watcher Brian and watch shadows stretch to the eastern horizon!

See this preview from the 2020 Flagstaff Star Party

The Heiligenschein
Twilight Talk: Two Mountains, One Dark Sky: Our Heritage of Indigenous Arabian Astronomy
When: 22 Sep 6:45pm
Where: Buffalo Park
Flagstaff Star Party guests can expect an inspiring journey to discover the astronomical knowledge of ancient Arabia and its enduring heritage in some of the star names we use today. Lowell Observatory Chief Marketing and Revenue Officer Dr. Danielle Adams, a cultural astronomer, will use the slow darkening of the twilight sky to showcase the importance of dark skies to the development of the rich cultural traditions that connect us to the stars. Watch out for camels!
Hosted Telescope Observing When: 22 Sept 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Where: Buffalo Park
FRIDAY September 23
Sunset Shadows and Circles (reprise)
When: 23 Sept 6:00pm
Where: Buffalo Park
Have you ever watched the sunset in the east? Join Lowell Observatory's Brian Skiff as he takes you on insightful tour of the subtle transition from sunset into twilight at Flagstaff's Buffalo Park, including the Earth-shadow and Belt of Venus in the east, as well as layered pastel colors over the Sun in the west. Join lifelong sky watcher's Brian and watch shadows stretch to the eastern horizon!

See this preview from the 2020 Flagstaff Star Party

The Heiligenschein
Twilight Talk: Star Wounds: The Use of Meteorites Among Ancient Native American Cultures.
When: 23 Sep 6:45pm
Where: Buffalo Park
From the Hopewell culture in the eastern U.S. to the American Southwest and Northern Mexico, ancient Native American cultures actively engaged in meteorite collecting. Archaeologist Ken Zoll, of the Verde Valley Archaeology Center, will discuss how fragments from Meteor Crater have been found and used at ancient dwellings in Central Arizona.
Hosted Telescope Observing When: 23 Sep 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Where: Buffalo Park
SATURDAY September 24
Sunset Shadows and Circles (reprise)
When: 24 Sept 6:00pm
Where: Buffalo Park
Have you ever watched the sunset in the east? Join Lowell Observatory's Brian Skiff as he takes you on insightful tour of the subtle transition from sunset into twilight at Flagstaff's Buffalo Park, including the Earth-shadow and Belt of Venus in the east, as well as layered pastel colors over the Sun in the west. Join lifelong sky watcher's Brian and watch shadows stretch to the eastern horizon!

See this preview from the 2020 Flagstaff Star Party

The Heiligenschein
Twilight Talk: Jewels of the Night
When: 24 Sep 6:45pm
Where: Buffalo Park Gate
Stars are the jewels of a dark night sky. We imagine mythological beings in their patterns. But what are they exactly? Stars are suns that vary in age, size and intensity. If any could swap places with our sun, dire consequences would likely follow. Some would freeze our planet. Others would swallow Earth completely! Emeritus Associate Professor of Astronomy and Planetary Science Dr. David Koerner will have you considering stars in a whole new twinkling light in his Twilight Talk, "Stars!" at 6:45 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 24, at Buffalo Park during the free Flagstaff Star Party!
Hosted Telescope Observing When: 24 Sep 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Where: Buffalo Park
Flagstaff Dark Skies: An Evening of Awareness, Appreciation and Awe
When: Sunday Sep 25 5-9pm
Where: Arizona Nordic Village
With legendary archaeologist Dr. Zahi Hawass, presenting:
A Night Journey into Ancient Egypt’s Afterlife

Ancient Egyptians famously prepared for the afterlife, which they believed began with a journey into the night filled with gods, strange creatures and gatekeepers. Join the world’s leading expert on ancient Egypt, Dr. Zahi Hawass, as he takes us on a dramatic voyage into the underworld signaled by nightfall. This unique evening under Flagstaff’s extraordinary dark starry skies includes telescope viewing, music by the Slugs from Space string quartet, heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages. Seating is limited. Coalition members receive a special discounted rate: see FlagstaffDarkSkies.org to become a member! Sponsored by Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition, Arizona Office of Tourism & Arizona Nordic Village.
Night Sky Photography Workshop
When: 1 Oct 5:30-8:30PM
Where: Moonshot at NACET
Join photojournalist Stan Honda. This extraordinary opportunity will allow participants to learn how to photograph the night sky with a master. Honda will conduct a three-part workshop introducing basic techniques to capture beautiful night sky photos with modern digital cameras. The three-hour session will include learning about your camera, a short slideshow of Honda’s work, and (weather permitting) a photo shoot in the beautiful night skies at Buffalo Park. Facemasks required. RESERVATION REQUIRED
Flagstaff Dark Skies speaker series at Lowell Observatory
The Flagstaff Dark Skies Speaker Series is hosted by the Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition with support from Lowell Observatory.
Bryan Bates: Exploring the Cultural Astronomy of the Ancestral Hopi and Northern Sinaguan People
When: 3 Oct 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Where: Lowell Observatory Steele Visitor Center
Cultural Astronomer Bryan Bates has spent a career exploring vast mesas and deep canyons of the Southwest to understand the ancient Puebloan perspective of the night sky. He has studied solar calendar walls, examined petroglyphs and investigated how civilizations that lived here hundreds of years ago developed science through the observation of natural cycles. Step back in time and into the night with this National Geographic Explorer.
Padraig Houlahan: Seeing Differently
When: 10 Oct 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Where: Lowell Observatory Steele Visitor Center
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has wowed us all yet again with images from the furthest regions of the universe. Padraig Houlahan will take us on a journey to understand how these beautiful pictures allow us to see the universe differently, and why that is important.
Ryan Anderson: Current Events in Our Solar System
When: 17 Oct 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Where: Lowell Observatory Steele Visitor Center
It is an exciting time in space exploration, with robotic missions returning data from throughout the solar system and telescopes providing unbelievable and mesmerizing views of deep space. Find out about Jupiter’s explosively volcanic moon Io and Neptune’s sparkling moon Triton. Hear about Ryan Anderson’s work with rovers on Mars and see the beautiful and spectacular images being transported back to Earth from these distant missions!








Envisioning a world where everyone can see the Milky Way where they live