About FDSC

The Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition is a group of people and organizations that seeks to knit dark sky values, awareness and protection into all aspects of our society. FDSC is governed by a Board of Directors, and is open to members who support the mission and goals of the organization.

Flagstaff is the First International Dark-Sky City – designated in 2001, and has achieved unparalleled success in night sky protection. Flagstaff’s night skies have 90% less light pollution than other cities of its size – the Milky Way is visible from nearly everywhere in this city of ~75,000 residents. We seek to provide information and guidance on the critical elements underlying this success, that others may learn from our example and aspire to real quantifiable improvement to their night skies. We provide quality guidance, through example and sound information, on policy, science and process to enable others to join Flagstaff in creating a world where everyone can see the Milky Way.

Our Vision

FDSC envisions a world in which everyone can see the Milky Way.

The splendor of a night sky lit by thousands of stars has for millennia inspired and connected humanity with a shared sense of awe and wonder. Today, some 80% of US households live under nighttime skies that are too bright to see more than a few hundred stars, let alone the Milky Way, and our skies continue to brighten artificially. This is because the dark-sky efforts of the past decades have not been effective enough to stem light pollution’s growth—except in places like Flagstaff, Arizona, a community that stands out as a success story and model for other cities in stemming light pollution and restoring dark skies. The Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition can help your community reduce its light pollution so that everyone can see the Milky Way once again and reconnect to the night sky. We believe that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, should be able to see the Milky Way in a dark sky that is cherished by their community and beneficial for all life.

Staff and Board


Envisioning a world where everyone can see the Milky Way where they live

(c) 2025 Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition