The Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition is not just about Flagstaff!
Your donation supports the mission of the
Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition
To celebrate, promote and protect the glorious dark skies of Flagstaff and northern Arizona
And by example setting the gold standard in night sky protection
Our mission is to celebrate the wonders of the nocturnal ecosystem that all humanity inhabits, to promote awareness and participation, and to protect this natural resource for future generations as our common inheritance. We work to enhance public awareness about the night, and advocate for public policies that reduce wasteful lighting. By celebrating the values found in natural darkness, we work to continue Flagstaff’s 60 years of worldwide leadership in night sky protection, and provide by proven example solutions that protect and restore the night anywhere.
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Become a member of the Coalition
FDSC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations and memberships are tax-deductible to the maximum amount allowed by law.