2017 Celebration of the Night

Flagstaff Celebrates it’s Star-Filled Night Skies

The Pacman Nebula – Theresa Hentz, NightVisions VI

The 2017 Celebration of the Night begins with the opening of NightVisions VI on June 8th 2017!

Protection of the night sky began in Flagstaff in 1958 – and Flagstaff continues to set the standard for effective night sky protection. A High Country News story by Peter Friederici – Stargazers defend darkness in Arizona – and David Portree’s award-winning story Flagstaff’s Battle for Dark Skies describe our special history and role in what is now an international dark-sky movement.

2017 Celebration of the Night Events

(final schedule)

13 Jun - 29 JulyNightVisions VICoconino Center for the Arts
Father Sky, Mother Earth - Arline Martens, NightVisions VI
More than two-thirds of Americans live where they can no longer see the Milky Way galaxy because of light pollution. We have grown so isolated from night that in much of our culture it has become alien and fearful. NightVisions seeks to re-open our positive connections to the natural night and to bridge the divide separating artistic from scientific perception, promoting the idea that science and art are two intertwined aspects of human experience.

8 JuneMember's reception
15 JunePublic reception
16 JuneR Carlos Nakai - Dark Sky ConcertThe Arboretum at Flagstaff
R. Carlos Nakai and Udi Bar-David
R. Carlos Nakai is the world’s premier performer of the Native American flute. Featuring Udi Bar-David on cello this Dark Night Sky Concert is in partnership with the Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition and Vintage Partners.

21 JulyStarry Skies – The Lakota Way of Seeing the NightCoconino Center for the Arts
Wičháȟpi HinápȟA (Lakota- Emergence) - SD Nelson, NightVisions VI
In Lakota tradition the night sky is the home of the Star People—the spirits of our ancestors. Using contemporary colorful illustrations, author and illustrator, S.D. Nelson shares a unique way of seeing the night and making a connection with the natural world. The stars are transformed into deer, galloping horses, hummingbirds and other winged beings as Sister Moon dreams her way across the vaulted sky.

Following Nelson’s presentation, there will be a short Q&A in the gallery with Night Visions Best of Show winner Arline Martens

28 JulyStar Trails & Bending Time: Films of the Night SkyCoconino Center for the Arts
Monsoon season thunderstorms over Grand Canyon, Arizona - Skyglow Project
Photographer and filmmaker Harun Mehmedinovic will share time lapse films of the night sky from his Skyglow Project, and videos from other artists exploring the night through time lapse photography. This one-of-a-kind event will be a visual spectacle celebrating the night. Many of the films from Skyglow showcase Northern Arizona and the Grand Canyon.


2017  Celebration of the Night and NightVisions VI  events supported by Vintage Partners, Flagstaff Arts Council and Flagstaff BBB funds.

Envisioning a world where everyone can see the Milky Way where they live

(c) 2025 Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition